About Us

About the Farm

Organic farming is an agricultural system that uses fertilizers of organic origin like compost manure, manure , and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques like crop rotation and companion planting.


It relies on ecologically balanced agricultural principles like crop rotation, manure , organic waste, biological pest control, mineral and rock additives. Organic farming makes use of pesticides and fertilizers if they’re considered natural and avoids the utilization of varied petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides.


Health Benefits

The below are some benefits and uses of organic products

Natural Chemical Fertilizer

Organic products grown using natural fertilizers such as manure, compost,etc,.. Non organic product grown with synthetic or chemical fertilizers

Organic food is often fresher

Because it doesn’t contain preservatives that make it last longer. Organic produce is sometimes produced on smaller farms nearer to where it is sold.

organic products

Organic food is GMO-free

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) foods are plants whose DNA has been altered in ways that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.

Tends to be better for the environment

Organic farming practices may reduce pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy